Course syllabus
R/RStudio resources
There are many, many resources online for working in R. I have collected a few for you here. I will also give you specific software walk-throughs in the weekly posts.
- Installing R and RStudio: This should get you up and running with R and RStudio.
- Installing packages in RStudio: R is more than a single software program; it has the ability to access a central repository of “packages” that add new functionality to R. As of this writing there are over 10,000 R packages in this repository! We will use the mosaic package throughout the semester, so go ahead and install that package following this tutorial.
- Getting familiar with R: A quick demo to help get you started in R.
- Tips on writing code in RStudio’s Script pane: Tips for creating, loading, editing, and saving R scripts.
Other general resources:
- R/Rstudio video walkthroughs The Statistics department at UT Austin has produced a number of video walkthroughs for common tasks in R.
Working with factor (categorical) variables: