Week 11 (Apr 4-6)
On Monday this week we will review the “Hold my beer” case study and get some more practice with multiple regression for adjustment by working through the “Beauty in the Classroom” case study On Wednesday we will explore how and when to use interaction terms in regression models by revisiting the “Beauty in the Classroom” case study, and (time permitting) in other examples as well.
In-class activities, case studies, exercises, etc for this week
We will work on these in breakout rooms. I suggest having one person share their screen and serve as note-taker, or quickly sharing a Google doc so you can work together. The activities will be a component of your next homework.
For review on Monday: Hold my beer
Activity 1: Beauty in the classroom
Activity 2: Beauty in the classroom part 2
Other materials used this week
R scripts and slides accompanying your videos for this week:
Categorical Variables in Regression Models (R Script)
Interaction Terms in Regression Models (R Script).
Readings, videos, and activities to do for next week
For Monday: Review the video on interactions from week 10 (& see slides and code above)
For Wednesday: Read Hypothesis testing in regression and this accompanying walkthrough
Exercises and other things due next week
For Weds Apr 14: Completed versions of the “Hold my beer” activity and Activity 1 from this week.